Wireless CCTV and Why People Use It
Wireless CCTV cameras are fast replacing traditional CCTV cameras mainly because of their ability to let you see your home or business across the internet, as opposed to on a monitor in the same building as the cameras which is what traditional CCTV was all about. Following the widespread adoption of wireless CCTV in recent years, I wanted to discover a few of the weird and wonderful ways in which people are using the technology.
To achieve this, my UK-based company recently conducted a fascinating little survey to see what it is about wireless CCTV that really makes a difference to people's lives. I'm going to share some of the results with you in this article. They contained more than a few surprises I can tell you. We asked people to finish a simple sentence and what follows are some of the interesting ways in which people answered:
I will never be without my wireless internet CCTV because...
- "When my son gets home from school, the Internet CCTV system sends me a text message and I can log in to see what he's up to!"
- "We were going to get a burglar alarm for the house, but spent the money on this camera system instead. If I am away on business and my burglar alarm is ringing on the wall, I'm hardly going to hear it am I? With this system I get a text message when something happens."
- "I paid a lot of hard-earned cash for my place in the sun and I want peace of mind that it's OK even when I am thousands of miles away. With this system I can see it any time I want, anywhere I happen to be, and if the worst happens and my house gets broken into, at least I will know about it straight away and I can get someone round there."
- "It's like having someone looking after our property 24 hours a day."
- "I sometimes take a look at my pubs at night, after closing, from wherever I happen to be. I can make sure the staff are locking up - and not drinking after hours with their mates!"
- "Back in the UK, we could show our friends and neighbours our Spanish villa - and how sunny it is right at that moment."
- "I just love new gadgets to be honest, and this is revolutionary! I can even see the house on my mobile phone, and switch the cameras on and off by sending a text message."
- "We build houses and we have a wireless camera in the show home on the development, so prospective buyers can take a look before deciding to visit."
- "When I am at work, I log in to check on the dogs."
- "We run an on-line shopping company. Our UK customers can see us at work, which gives them confidence in us and shows that there are real people behind the website."
- "It helps my property management company to attract business, because when our customers have this internet CCTV, we can get a copy of any alerts from the cameras and we're on the spot to take immediate action."
It's great to hear that people are using wireless internet CCTV in so many different ways. It definitely seems to be one of those things that once experienced, is never given up.
Michael Harper is Technical Director of Michael invites you to find out more about Wireless CCTV camera packs today.
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